Call Tracking — Real Time Call Analysis
Multiple Locations, Single Vanity 800 Number
These charts and graphs instantly present the call results for a ‘real time’ analysis of a single Vanity 800 Number serving multiple locations.
These sample Call Tracking call response reports provide instant analytical data for tracking calls during a selected time period to multiple branch or franchise locations.
The Administrative Call Tracking system allows for review of calls in the following categories:
- Single Branch Office
- Group of Offices in a single city or entire state
- Branch Offices in a group of states, or all U.S.
Within minutes, know and compare the production of branch/franchise offices in the territory selected online, based on the Date Range you select in the Control Panel.
All data can be downloaded to an Excel file in seconds.
Click the icon below to see a sample of administrative charts and graphs:
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Control Panel
This Control Panel allows the corporate office to track branch/franchise calls on a single Vanity 800 Number. First selecting the Real-Time Call Response Report you wish to review (box on right), then select the city or branch (you pick the name in #2), and then the Date Range (#4). You may select one office or a group of offices. You may select by city location, name of that specific group or city, or by state or geographic region.
Traffic Snapshot
All Reports are based on Date Ranges selected in the Control Panel. Leads are unique calls vs. repeat calls. Cost-per-lead is calculated after the branch office advertising expense is entered in the Call Tracking data prior to receiving calls for that period.
Monthly Lead Trending
The Monthly Lead Trending Report shows summary totals for all calls to branches selected for the entire year. Lead Calls are unique calls on a single Vanity 800 Number vs. repeat calls on that same number. Calls shown in this report are first-time callers only.
Total Leads by Branch
This report, for a single Vanity 800 Number, shows a summary of all calls to multiple branches within a Selected Date Range. The number of leads received from each ad and that specific ad response percentage, are measured against the total of all calls made to all numbers selected in the Control Panel. Leads are first-time calls and do not include repeat calls.